End Of Tenancy Cleaning Services- By: Kashif Munir

Description : Making Your House Greener

We only have one Earth, so it is important that we look after it. Here are some tips and advice on how you can make your house as eco-friendly as possible.

Conserve water

Studies show that people today use twice as much water, compared to 25 years ago. A large factor of this is due to wastage. Have your pipes checked to ensure there are no leaks and try not to leave the tap running when you aren't using it. Leaving the tap on whilst shaving or brushing your teeth wastes over six litres of water a minute. A good idea is to invest in some eco-friendly Bathstore taps, which conserve water and can reduce wastage by up to 70 percent. Saving water will save you money, reduce your energy use and be much better for your local environment.

Don't forget to insulate

Do not underestimate the massive impact that insulation can have in your home. Rather than heating the planet, wasting energy and spending a fortune on heating bills, insulate your house to avoid the heat escaping. A vast amount of heat will be lost through your loft, walls, windows or doors. After the one-off cost of installation, it will last for years and will pay for itself time and time again. Whether its cavity wall insulation or loft insulation, the benefits can be dramatic.

Energy saving bulbs

Swapping to energy saving light bulbs will save electricity and ultimately save you money. Their lifespan is up to ten times longer than regular bulbs and they use about a third of the power, compared to a normal light bulb. The financial benefits can be amazing, with your electricity bill going down by about ten percent. Save the planet and save yourself some cash by switching to energy saving bulbs.

Get Recycling

In a perfect world, there would be no need for landfill sites, however unfortunately due to the increasing amount of packaging and plastic used in shops we are left with large amounts of rubbish to dispose of. Try to recycle as much as you can. Don't be afraid to re-use items if possible, such as water bottles or plastic bags. If something is broken, try fixing it rather than simply throwing it away and getting a new one. Hire professional End Of Tenancy Cleaning Guildford. You can make a compost heap using vegetable waste, tea bags, egg shells etc. Saving the planet and making your own fertilizer!

Green fingers

Why not have a go growing your own veg? You can't get fresher or more organic than that. Root vegetables, such as potatoes and carrots, are low maintenance and very handy to have.

Making your own energy

Sonar panels capture the sun's energy and this can be used to produce electricity. Solar power is a renewable energy, rather than relying on fossil fuels, such as coal or oil. It is the most environmentally friendly renewable energy, as there are no harmful emissions or pollution produced. The only disadvantage is the initial installation costs, which you should earn back through your electricity bill savings.

Even small changes can make a significant difference, so do your bit to save the planet and get eco-friendly today.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : Professional tenancy cleaning services by tenancycleaning.me